Mike Reed
Does anybody know of a way to disable the security prompt "A program
is trying to access e-mail addresses you have stored in Outlook. Do
you want to allow this?"
The owner of this shared calendar folder is running Outlook 2000 SP3
under XP Pro SP1. Exchange Server does NOT exist. There are just
several workstations on a network that are members of this person's
shared Calendar folder, each having Editor permissions.
It's odd, by on my own PC that also runs Outlook 2000 SP3 under XP
Pro, I do NOT get these security prompts when my Outlook receives Net
Folder items that add to my shared Calendar. So I am guessing there
is some difference between our security settings? But, all research
I've done on this topic seems to indicate that one cannot disable
these security prompts in Outlook. So much for consistency when one
PC gets it, another doesn't
Maybe that's why there are so many
security issues in Microsoft products
I understand, somewhat, the logic that Microsoft used in adding these
security "features". BUT, couldn't they have at least insured that
THEIR OWN add-in modules, like shared NET Folders, would continue to
work in Outlook 2000? Yes, I know Net Folders was dropped in Outlook
2002+, as Microsoft abandoned fixing this portion of Outlook so they
could force people to purcha$e Exchange
If you sensed my frustration, well I am
As a programmer of 20+
years, if I were to release "updates" to my products that made certain
features essentially useless, I'd have no customers...
TIA to all!
is trying to access e-mail addresses you have stored in Outlook. Do
you want to allow this?"
The owner of this shared calendar folder is running Outlook 2000 SP3
under XP Pro SP1. Exchange Server does NOT exist. There are just
several workstations on a network that are members of this person's
shared Calendar folder, each having Editor permissions.
It's odd, by on my own PC that also runs Outlook 2000 SP3 under XP
Pro, I do NOT get these security prompts when my Outlook receives Net
Folder items that add to my shared Calendar. So I am guessing there
is some difference between our security settings? But, all research
I've done on this topic seems to indicate that one cannot disable
these security prompts in Outlook. So much for consistency when one
PC gets it, another doesn't
security issues in Microsoft products
I understand, somewhat, the logic that Microsoft used in adding these
security "features". BUT, couldn't they have at least insured that
THEIR OWN add-in modules, like shared NET Folders, would continue to
work in Outlook 2000? Yes, I know Net Folders was dropped in Outlook
2002+, as Microsoft abandoned fixing this portion of Outlook so they
could force people to purcha$e Exchange
If you sensed my frustration, well I am
years, if I were to release "updates" to my products that made certain
features essentially useless, I'd have no customers...
TIA to all!