Outlook 2000 Stops Receiving Messages from MCI


Richard Minkowetz

Our company located in Solon, OH has a SDSL line with MCI. For sometime now we are experiencing an issue of not receiving mail, in a timely fashion, from a users related POP3 server.

I have been told, by MCI support, two different issues are possibly the problem, but I do not have a means to identify what is causing which issue. The 1st is a DNS corruption prevents messages from being received. The solution depends on the O/S in use. If it is Win 2000, the steps are ipconfig /flushdns. Cycle Outlook 2000, if the flushdns did not resolve the issue. If it is Win NT4.0, restart the PC and restart Outlook

The 2nd is, a "dynamic load" problem with relays. SPAM is maxing out users’ mail space and the traffic from the mail server is effected. A user at our site can send messages, but no one can receive them for hours or until the next day. The message receipt delay affects messages sent internally to either another internal user(s) or someone outside our company. I was told MCI is installing additional relays to resolve the problem, but it continues to exist

Is there anyone who can shed some explanations on this issue? Is there anything I can to check if messages still reside in the SMTP server or they have been passed along. I have enabled Outlook logging to see if it help in the investigation. So far, the logging has familiarized me with POP3 and SMTP commands, by referencing KB155455 (How to Enable and Interpret the Smtp.log File) and KB155515 (How to Enable and Interpret the Pop3.log File). But, I did not see a SMTP command to display the number of messages. A POP3 command, STAT, display the number of messages and octets used for messages waiting to be received

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