Outlook 2000 Uses Wrong Mail Account


Joseph Misko

Whenever I compose a new email and hit the Send button, Outlook 2000 always
uses my default account, as it should. However, the problem comes when I
use Reply or Forward. Then Outlook uses a different account, and I have no
idea why. I want to force it, when I hit Send for any email message, to use
my default account. Has anyone else encountered this problem? I did search
the MS KB, by the way, but came up with nothing relevant.

Thanks, Joe

Joseph Misko

Thanks for the reply. I should have spelled out that I understood this,
that the program should respond using the same account, like Outlook Express
does. However, this is not the case for some reason. Outlook 2000 here
will respond using a generic account that I have set up that is not my
default account. Really, I almost never want to use that account. It
should work like you say and I want it to, but . . . it doesn't. Any
further thoughts?

Thanks! Joe

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

You didn't say which mode you have OL2000 installed in...see my previous
reply for help in figuring it out if you aren't sure.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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