Outlook 2002 and Vista


jay lunis

Vista Home Premium
Trying to move email accounts from Outlook 2002 on my old PC to my new
PC. Everything works but outgoing email. Keep getting a message to
check the email address. A search here and on Google doesn't give me
any ideas (I did see a reference to "errors" with o2002 and Vista but
nothing specific.) Help please

Brian Tillman

jay lunis said:
Vista Home Premium
Trying to move email accounts from Outlook 2002 on my old PC to my new
PC. Everything works but outgoing email. Keep getting a message to
check the email address. A search here and on Google doesn't give me
any ideas (I did see a reference to "errors" with o2002 and Vista but
nothing specific.) Help please

Here's something specific: Outlook 2002 is not compatible with Vista. Only
Outlook 2003 and 2007 are supported.

jay lunis

Diane said:

Is it 2000 or 2002? 2000 has a problem with the address book unless you
use corp mode- 2002 won't save passwords.

If it really is 2002, try a new profile. If that doesn't work, you'll
need to upgrade or use Windows Mail.

Thanks for the reply. That appears to mean I have to re-enter my
passwords once a week - not too bad, although I will probably end up
with O2007 pretty soon. Meantime, I presume the error - "Everything
works but outgoing email. Keep getting a message to check the email
address." is the big force for 2007?

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Outlook 2002 is 6 yrs old, 2 versions removed, less secure, is long past
support, and was not tested with Vista for all of those reasons. In my tests
and based on complaints I've seen, your problem is not typical - its more
like something is not set up correct in your profile. Like maybe
authentication. In any event, Microsoft will not fix it, for the reasons
stated in the first 21 words. Many people assume MS purposely made it not
work in Vista so people would upgrade, that's not true. They made changes to
the OS that meant some older software may not work in Vista. If anything
happens to work (and much does) then fine, if not so be it. changing Vista
to work with older software would be too cost prohibitive and introduce too
many bugs.

jay lunis

Diane said:
Outlook 2002 is 6 yrs old, 2 versions removed, less secure, is long past
support, and was not tested with Vista for all of those reasons. In my
tests and based on complaints I've seen, your problem is not typical -
its more like something is not set up correct in your profile. Like
maybe authentication. In any event, Microsoft will not fix it, for the
reasons stated in the first 21 words. Many people assume MS purposely
made it not work in Vista so people would upgrade, that's not true. They
made changes to the OS that meant some older software may not work in
Vista. If anything happens to work (and much does) then fine, if not so
be it. changing Vista to work with older software would be too cost
prohibitive and introduce too many bugs.

Sounds like 'O2007, here I come.'

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

It's definitely a lot nicer and unless you are 'power user', the ribbon is
really easy to get used to. I'm biased (because I support outlook), but I
think the features in outlook 2007 are well worth the upgrade - although if
you can get along with windows live mail and vista's calendar, word/excel
2002 might work ok on vista.


jay lunis" wrote in said:
Vista Home Premium
Trying to move email accounts from Outlook 2002 on my old PC to my new
PC. Everything works but outgoing email. Keep getting a message to
check the email address. A search here and on Google doesn't give me
any ideas (I did see a reference to "errors" with o2002 and Vista but
nothing specific.) Help please

Outlook 2002 will NOT remember passwords when ran under Windows Vista.
Outlook 2002 was coded to use pstore (protected storage system) in the
registry to cache the login credentials for the e-mail accounts defined
in Outlook; see http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb432403.aspx.
pstore is no longer available under Windows Vista. The registry keys
are still there but are read-only so Outlook cannot record your login
credentials into those registry keys but cannot update them. Vista
dropped pstore and went to DPAPI
(http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms995355.aspx) which has been
around since 2001 starting in Windows 2000. The result is that you will
need to supply your login credentials for each e-mail account that you
have defined in Outlook for the first mail poll performed by Outlook.
After the first mail poll, the login credentials are reused so you don't
need to supply them again. However, if you exit and reload Outlook then
you need to supply the login credentials for only the first mail poll.

Outlook 2003/2007 are coded to use either pstore or the newer DPAPI
which means they will run under Vista and pre-Vista versions of Windows.
Mainstream support for Outlook 2002/XP is dead
(http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/?p1=2533) so there will be no
further feature changes, bug fixes, or enhancements to it which means it
will remain incompatible for use under Windows Vista.


I'm still using Outlook 2002. Another reason not to use Vista. You're
screwed unless to migrate to a pre-Vista Windows version or upgrade to
Outlook 2003 or 2007. Vista: where "better" is worse.

Brian Tillman

VanguardLH said:
Outlook 2002 will NOT remember passwords when ran under Windows Vista.
Outlook 2002 was coded to use pstore (protected storage system) in the
registry to cache the login credentials for the e-mail accounts
defined in Outlook; see
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb432403.aspx. pstore is no
longer available under Windows Vista. The registry keys are still
there but are read-only so Outlook cannot record your login
credentials into those registry keys but cannot update them.

I wonder if one could modify the protection on those keys to make them

jay lunis

Diane said:
It's definitely a lot nicer and unless you are 'power user', the ribbon
is really easy to get used to. I'm biased (because I support outlook),
but I think the features in outlook 2007 are well worth the upgrade -
although if you can get along with windows live mail and vista's
calendar, word/excel 2002 might work ok on vista.
Very good, but that brings up a question. Can I run Word and Excel 2000
(as you can see, I don't like to change much) with O2007 on Vista?

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Yes, but you will lose some of the spell check features that come only from
word - it's basically the same as if using the old Outlook editor with no
spell check as you type etc. File, send in those two apps may not work
either. As far as I know, there are no serious problems with either of those
apps on Vista but I did not test them - I only checked out outlook.

However - you will have a better experience if you upgrade the suite. If
you're a power user, it'll take about 2 -3 weeks to get used to 2007, if you
aren't, you'll find a lot of the features are exposed and easy to find. My
daughter just loves all the "new" citation stuff in word 2007. I didn't have
the heart to tell her most of it's been there a long time, its just now
easier to find.


Brian Tillman" wrote in said:
I wonder if one could modify the protection on those keys to make them

Some that actually wants to use Windows Vista could test whether or not
changing the permission on those registry keys would get OL2002 to
remember and update its login credentials in those keys. I'd rather
avoid wasting time with Vista unless I get stuck with an employer that
makes me use it (and then I would disable Aero and lots of other fluff
to return it to a more XP-like UI).

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

AFAIK, no, because they files which are called to write the passwords are
not present in vista.


AFAIK, no, because they files which are called to write the passwords are
not present in vista.

Accessing the registry is part of the Win32 API, so any program that
wants to store its configuration parameters can access the registry to
store them there. Because the protected storage keys are encrypted, I
suspect the crypto API would also be used. No extra files outside of
Outlook are required to write to the registry.


However, it is possible the OS will interfere with the use of those
protected keys. So although the app can write to the registry and even
encrypt/decrypt the values stored there, they could be restricted from
accessing those key. I don't think we'll know if removing the read-only
accesss from those keys would get Outlook 2002/XP to work under Vista
without require the login credentials each time it is loaded until
someone tests it. I don't have Vista to do the testing.

Diane Poremsky {MVP}

And I tested it before I posted - so I know it doesn't work (VMWare is a
wonderful thing, as is a subscription to MSDN). From what little additional
research I did (since I have no desire to use Outlook 2002, let alone on
Vista), there are files which are needed for the PStore key to work that are
not present in Vista.


And I tested it before I posted - so I know it doesn't work (VMWare is a
wonderful thing, as is a subscription to MSDN). From what little additional
research I did (since I have no desire to use Outlook 2002, let alone on
Vista), there are files which are needed for the PStore key to work that are
not present in Vista.

Thanks for testing that out. Then if someone else asks, I'll know to
tell them that they're stuck with the repeated prompt for login
credentials when using Ol2002 on Vista.

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