Outlook 2002 Crash on "Big Memory" System


John Miller

I've run Outlook 2002 since it came out, but recently encountered an exasperaing problem when I installed it on my new system (Abit IC7-MAX3 motherboard, P4-3.0, 1 GB RAM) which has two users (both administrators).

If one user runs Outlook, then when the second user runs it, it crashes with the error message labelled, "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library", and stating, "Runtime Error! Program: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Ofice\OUTLOOK.EXE abnormal program termination". After clicking "OK" to close the dialog box, Outlook exits. Then it is possible to start Outlook normally, and it runs fine. But then when the other user runs it, it goes through the same crash-and-burn. It doesn't matter whether the first user is still logged in, nor does it matter whether the first user still has Outlook running or not. Nor is it a faulty installation, since I've reinstalled my entire system twice (for other reasons) since first discovering this problem.

The only thing I can see that's unique is the large memory complement on this new system. Has anyone else experienced this? Better yet, does anyone have a solution?


- John

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Have you tried creating a new mail profile for each user?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

| I've run Outlook 2002 since it came out, but recently encountered an
| exasperaing problem when I installed it on my new system (Abit
| IC7-MAX3 motherboard, P4-3.0, 1 GB RAM) which has two users (both
| administrators).
| If one user runs Outlook, then when the second user runs it, it
| crashes with the error message labelled, "Microsoft Visual C++
| Runtime Library", and stating, "Runtime Error! Program: C:\Program
| Files\Microsoft Ofice\OUTLOOK.EXE abnormal program termination".
| After clicking "OK" to close the dialog box, Outlook exits. Then it
| is possible to start Outlook normally, and it runs fine. But then
| when the other user runs it, it goes through the same crash-and-burn.
| It doesn't matter whether the first user is still logged in, nor does
| it matter whether the first user still has Outlook running or not.
| Nor is it a faulty installation, since I've reinstalled my entire
| system twice (for other reasons) since first discovering this
| problem.
| The only thing I can see that's unique is the large memory complement
| on this new system. Has anyone else experienced this? Better yet,
| does anyone have a solution?
| Thanks.
| - John

John Miller

Milly -

Yes, and thanks for responding. I not only re-created user profiles, but
did a couple of complete re-installs of the entire system (not over itself,
but from the ground up, reformatting the system drive, etc.). Any other

- John

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