Outlook 2002: Mail Profiles in Vista??



I have Office XP installed on my new laptop that runs Vista.

Everything installed fine and I was able to open Outlook and add an e-mail
account. I am now having problems creating multiple profiles in Outlook.

Outlook 2002 Help & How To only explains how to do it in Windows XP. Outlook
2007 explains how to do it in Vista and it says:

Go to Control Panel, User Accounts, then mail. It also notes that the mail
icon will not appear until Outlook is installed and run at least once.

Outlook is installed and has been ran multiple times and the computer has
been shut down and restarted multiple times, but the Mail icone still doesn't
appear under User Accounts in the Control Panel.....

Please Help!!! I know that I can create multiple users in Vista which will
get me around this problem, however I would prefer to keep the one
administrative account for all users of my computer.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!


THANK YOU!!!! How come the people that get paid for this kind of support have
no clue what they are doing - but the ones who gladly help for free are

Thanks again!

Roady [MVP]

You're welcome! :)


Randi said:
THANK YOU!!!! How come the people that get paid for this kind of support
no clue what they are doing - but the ones who gladly help for free are

Thanks again!


Well as you forewarned.... another issue has revealed itself.

My login password to is sometimes not saving (sometimes I will go in and it
is blank) and when it is saved the login box appears asking me for my
password again and after typing the correct password it tells me that it is

If it's not one thing it's another!!! :)

Roady [MVP]

That could also be caused by your virus scanner integrating with Outlook.
Disable this integration and try again.

Otherwise, you might want to consider an upgrade or, depending on your
needs, switch to Windows Live Mail.

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