Outlook 2002: Open other persons folder, non-standard name



I have a user who has created purpose-specific private calendars and
wants to share them with the department secretary.

The calendars have names like "Travel Itneraray", "Speaking
Engagements", etc.

The File:Open:Other Users Folder option only shows "standard" items
like inbox and calendar. How do I give the secretary access?

The permissions have been set to share all the calendars but I can't
figure out how to connect to them.

I've seen several suggestions that may work with older vesions of
outlook, but there isn't a services option on the tools menu in
Outlook 2002?

Any ideas?


Diane Poremsky [MVP]

use tools, accounts in ol2002 to get to the exchange service and add the
mailboxes to the profile.

FWIW - categories and filtered views were made for just this sort of
situation. add categories to all items, create custom views to show only
specific categories.... (and you can easily add new categories even to the
existing items)

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
http://www.poremsky.com - http://www.cdolive.com
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