Outlook 2002 sp3 Hanging



Outlook refuses to handle attachments. It will not save them and it will not
allow me to atach them. Everytime I try the program becomes non-responsive.
This began suddenly on Wednesday. The shutdown prompted me to install sp 3
which I did. That didn't help. The next day the issue continued but the
shut-down prompted me to install security updates which I did. As of today no
resolution. I also get the message that the archive and personal folders did
not shut down properly. In addition to all of that, if i attempt to shut down
and reboot I am told to shut down outlook which of course I thought I had
already shut down but it's still running! I end up having to shut down
manually. This is my business e-mail program so I really need some advice
here. For the past three days I have also been locked out of support! Go
figure. If I try to come in through the passport I'm locked out. Today I got
in by going to the product page and that worked.
Thanks anyone who can help out here.

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