Outlook 2002 stationary


Chuck Shore

Hi. I've searched the entire Outlook forum for answers and have foun
other questions pertaining to my problem, but no solutions yet. I hav
OfficeXP and until yesterday was happy using Outlook Express as m
email client. I have started a business and the full Outlook is muc
more helpful now so I installed it and am very happy with it except fo
where I'm having my problem.

I have 2 computers and several email accounts, meaning that I have th
resources for troubleshooting and believe me, I've done som
troubleshooting. Hours worth.

The problem: my stationary is being sent as an attachment and m
signature is losing it's formatting.

Computer1 has Outlook from OfficeXP and computer2 has Outlook Express.
Comp1 uses Word for editing email and is set to compose/read in HTM
and use a signature with color and center justifying. Comp2 (outloo
express) is set to compose and read in HTML.

If I compose a mail on comp1 (OutlookXP) using my stationary an
signature and send a mail to myself:
On comp1(outlookXP) and comp2(outlook express) it comes back wit
stationary as attachment and signature loses it's font/color settin
and loses it's formatting so is left justified.

However, if I compose the same mail using Outlook Express on comp1
everything comes back to comp1 and comp2 perfect in both Outlook an
Outlook Express. Bottom line? Mail is being reformatted before i
leaves OutlookXP. How do I stop this? I've been beating my brains fo
hours in help, on the net, and thank heavens I found this forum, bu
still no answers. Heeeeeeeeellllllpppppp!!!!! :confused

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