Outlook 2003 adds squares to email replies



I have recently assited a collegue with moving to Outlook 2003 as his email
client for accessing his AOL email (over IMAP).
There are some quirks with using Outlook to read AOL email, but one thing I
am struggling to get ironed out is that on some of his email replies, squares
are added to the reply email when opened by the recipient. He doesn't see the
squares on his screen before he sends, but they are there when the email
arrives at it's destination.
This happens with several emails that he has replied to, from different
sources, but not with all replies.
He doesnt use Word as the email editor, mainly because the the other office
products installed are not 2003 (from memory I think he runs OfficeXP). We
have experimented with the other Outgoing Mail Formats - Rich Text, HTML -
but dont want to end up with Plain Text as he enjoys his bold and underlines!

I would very much appreciate any help.

I have pasted an example of an offending email below of an email
conversation between myself and the user - I am using Outlook2K3 with Rich
From: Nigel [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 24 August 2005 19:05
To: 'James'
Subject: RE: YOUR EMAIL TO ME WITH 'SQUARES' >>>>>>>>FW: N >>> Jennifer :
Note Book : 22 AUG

Again a reply using Rich text - there are a lot of Squares in this one. . .
are they still there ???

From: James [mailto:[email protected]] 
Sent: 24 August 2005 19:00
To: 'Nigel'
Subject: YOUR EMAIL TO ME WITH 'SQUARES' >>>>>>>>FW: N >>> Jennifer : Note
Book : 22 AUG

From: Nigel [mailto:[email protected]] 
Sent: 23 August 2005 12:41
To: 'James'
Subject: RE: N >>> Jennifer : Note Book : 22 AUG


Many thanks for the details below and that Jennifer now does now have all
the software / links that she was after.

There is a lot running on this system - which as we know an cause other
issues down the line - let's hope all stays okay.

I will provide xxx the support files for future use as required.

Good job well done.

Rgds, N.

Hi Nigel,

All went well with the configuration of the last parts of Jennifer's
notebook today....

Brian Tillman

James said:
There are some quirks with using Outlook to read AOL email, but one
thing I am struggling to get ironed out is that on some of his email
replies, squares are added to the reply email when opened by the

This indicates a mismatch in Windows Encoding. What you you have set in the
"Encoding Options" section of Tools>Options>Mail Format>International


Hi Brian, thanks for coming back to me so quickly

He has the following set in Encoding Options:

- Auto select encoding for outgoing messages is ticked
- Western European (ISO) is set for preffered encoding for outgoing messages

Appreciate your help.

Thanks, James


He has the following set in Encoding Options:

- Auto select encoding for outgoing messages is ticked
- Western European (ISO) is set for preffered encoding for outgoing messages

Any ideas on what I could try next???


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