outlook 2003 "all day event" public calendar spans two days



I created a calendar in an Exchange/Outlook 2003 public folder to be used by
my team members to track their work. My group members are in three time
zones. I asked them to use the "all day event" checkbox, as we don't
generally need to track more specifically than a day at a time. Three of the
eight members have a problem - when they create an entry using the "all day
event" checkbox, the rest of us see the entry as a midnight-to-midnight event
(no check in the checkbox). If the viewer is in a different time zone, the
entry then spans two days.

I checked mail settings on one of the "offending" workstations, and
everything was the same as mine, with the exception of time zone (this
workstation is in a different time zone than mine).

The otherteam members do not seem to be having this problem.

I could ask everyone to use 8am - 5pm in their entries, but I'd like to be
able to use "all day event", if possible.

Any ideas?

Brian Tillman

LostButFound said:
I created a calendar in an Exchange/Outlook 2003 public folder to be
used by my team members to track their work. My group members are in
three time zones. I asked them to use the "all day event" checkbox,
as we don't generally need to track more specifically than a day at a
time. Three of the eight members have a problem - when they create
an entry using the "all day event" checkbox, the rest of us see the
entry as a midnight-to-midnight event (no check in the checkbox). If
the viewer is in a different time zone, the entry then spans two days.

Have those who see a problem check to make sure that both their Windows
clocks and their Outlook calendars agree both in time zone and in DST
settings. The effect you see is fairly typical of a DST mismatch.



Thanks - DST doesn't appear to be the issue. It looks as though Outlook
translates an "all day event" into a midnight-to-midnight event. Viewers in
a different time zone from the author of the event see the timeframe
translated to the viewer's time zone, and the event appears to overlap an
extra day. I would have hoped that Microsoft would not use times for an "all
day event". My Outlook/Exchange administrator says that's just the way it
is. He also said the SharePoint offers a better approach to sharing a group
calendar that may not have the issue we've encountered. Guess I'll have to
wait until/if we implement SharePoint. For now, I'll ask my team to enter
full-day calendar entries using the hours of 8AM to 5PM instead of using the
"all day event" checkbox.

- Mike

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