Outlook 2003 Away from home network.


Joe Wilkes

How do I get Outlook 2003 to send emails away from my home network? I have
been able to receive emails on different networks; LAN and Wireless, but I
can not send. My ISP is Adelphia and I use a POP3 address for incoming and
outgoing server. Is there anyway that I can fix this to send email also. I
have spoken with Adelphia customer service and they were clueless.
Joe Wilkes


You have to mess around with your advanced settings for the email account. I
had a similar quandry with comcast.net, but each service has different
settings parameters.

If you cannot send, it means that the SMTP (send mail) service requires some
kind of authentication. Or maybe you need to have Outlook use a different
port. Maybe this is enough information to find the right level of help from


Hal Hostetler [MVP P/I]

Almost all ISP's will require you to use the sending (SMTP) server they own,
thus, if you're away from home and using a different ISP than Adelphia, you
need to change the outgoing server in your account properties to use the
server from this ISP; leave the receiving (POP3) server set to Adelphia.
More info here:

Troubleshoot 550, 553, and relay-prohibited errors

Hal Hostetler, CPBE -- (e-mail address removed)
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-Print/Imaging -- WA7BGX
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