Environment: Small Business Server 2003 Standard Server
running domain for Windows XP workstations with Office
Small Business Edition 2003 installed - using SBS BCM
patch for Exchange...
We operate a Small Business and have a small group of
users that need to access the central Contacts list in
Busines Contact Manager for email, address labels and
occasionally contact tracking.
How do you sucessfully export/share all Business Contact
information to other users: either statically or via
SharePoint/Exchange Public Folder Shares?
We tried, unsuccessfully:
* csv which does not match or export all fields
* export Business Contact which does NOT export email
* unable to share Business Contacts due to Microsoft
lockdown on BCM
Thank you.
running domain for Windows XP workstations with Office
Small Business Edition 2003 installed - using SBS BCM
patch for Exchange...
We operate a Small Business and have a small group of
users that need to access the central Contacts list in
Busines Contact Manager for email, address labels and
occasionally contact tracking.
How do you sucessfully export/share all Business Contact
information to other users: either statically or via
SharePoint/Exchange Public Folder Shares?
We tried, unsuccessfully:
* csv which does not match or export all fields
* export Business Contact which does NOT export email
* unable to share Business Contacts due to Microsoft
lockdown on BCM
Thank you.