Outlook 2003 can't send mail after sp3 update



I have just installed sp3 for Office 2003. I can attch files to mails and
type adress off receivers aand type subject, but as soon as I try to type in
the text area the mail closes without saving.

I can send the mail with attached fileswithout any problems, but as soon as
I touch the text area - the mail is lost.

The problem showed imidiately after installation of the new SP 3.

Is this a general problem or am I the only one having it?


If I try to redistribute a message, it also closes the mail as soon as i try
to make a correction to the subject field, or if I try to alter the format
from HTML to text.


The problem has been solved with help from Microsoft Hotline and comes from
ScanSoft PDF Converter 4.0 as reported below to ScanSoft:

"After installing Office 2003 sp3 I ran into serious problems. When opening
e-mails in Outlook and trying to redistribute them, a new mail opened, but as
soon as I tried to write anything in the new mail, the mail closed and I was
returned to the original mail. If I tried to open attached doc files, the
file was opened in word but as soon as I tried to do anything in the document
(print, corrections in the document etc.) Word closed totally.
If I opened an old document in Word the same happened.
After deinstalling sp3 for Office 2003 all worked normally again.
Installing sp3 again, the errors returned.
After several hours with MS hotline in Denmark we found the solution:
Deactivation of PDFCWordaddin.dll in the directory for PDF converrter and
deactivation of ScanSoftPDF.dot in Word|Functions|addins and all was back to
I think an update is required, when can it be expected.

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