Bud Frank
If you are near your outlook message limit on size and you have a
figure/picture in your draft message and you delete it and copy and paste a
new one, your figure may not get cut and pasted even though that's what you
see. Evidently, Outlook will not replace the draft because of the size limit
and it does not yield any warning messages.
When you send or save such a file or outlook automatically saves the draft,
the old figure magically appears from the old draft even though a second
before the right stuff was in your draft message.
figure/picture in your draft message and you delete it and copy and paste a
new one, your figure may not get cut and pasted even though that's what you
see. Evidently, Outlook will not replace the draft because of the size limit
and it does not yield any warning messages.
When you send or save such a file or outlook automatically saves the draft,
the old figure magically appears from the old draft even though a second
before the right stuff was in your draft message.