Marketing Guy
I receive emails in the same format from the same address how would I
go about creating contacts from the information in the email message
bodies? Is it possible? They come like this...
Name: Joe Blow
Address: 1234 Anywhere St.
City: Whereever
State: CA
Zip: 90210
Type: Blah Blah
Please Post here or send an email to me at jon_shawver(at)hotmail.com
"where (at) is the @ symbol"
Thanks for anyones hard work and time in advance.
go about creating contacts from the information in the email message
bodies? Is it possible? They come like this...
Name: Joe Blow
Address: 1234 Anywhere St.
City: Whereever
State: CA
Zip: 90210
Type: Blah Blah
Please Post here or send an email to me at jon_shawver(at)hotmail.com
"where (at) is the @ symbol"
Thanks for anyones hard work and time in advance.