Outlook 2003 dropping first letter in subject line



Okay, here is one for the collective mind here... I have a client that sends
an email using Outlook 2003 (in pop3 mode - no exchange involved) and when
the person on the other end gets it, it is missing the first letter from the
subject line. but if you look in his sent mail the whole subject is there...
Any thoughts????
This is on a Dell 2.9Ghz with 1 Ghz of RAM Windows XP SP2, MS office 2003
Professional with all patches as well.


Brian Tillman

macntaz said:
Okay, here is one for the collective mind here... I have a client
that sends an email using Outlook 2003 (in pop3 mode - no exchange
involved) and when the person on the other end gets it, it is missing
the first letter from the subject line. but if you look in his sent
mail the whole subject is there... Any thoughts????

There are any number of systems between a sender and recipient that could be
affecting this. There are several things you can examine to eliminate the
sender's system and recipient's systems as the source of the problem, such
as diagnostic logging and viewing the incoming message in webmail prior to
downloading it from the server.



Thanks for the quick reply, but this is happening to EVERY person he sends
to doesn't matter what email address it is... I tried running a repair, I've
tried creating a new profile and tried the latest MS Office patches nothing
seems to fix this.. any other thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Brian Tillman

macntaz said:
Thanks for the quick reply, but this is happening to EVERY person he
sends to doesn't matter what email address it is...

That aloone doesn't imply it's Outlook's fault. You have to do additional
diagnosis, examining the message at the various points along the way in the
transmission path to determine exactly where the problem lies.

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