Bob S.
Using XP (clean install) with OL2003. Keep getting the
same Outllib.dll error in Outlook.exe.
Outlook.Exe Appver: 11.0.5510.0 Appstamp: 3f1380f0
Module Name: Outllib.Dll Mod. Ver: 11.0.5608.0
Mod Stamp: 3f35d24e
fDebug: 0 Offest: 0000b746
Have all service packs installed for XP & OL2003. Is
there a website that I can visit to analyze this error
Thanks in advance!
same Outllib.dll error in Outlook.exe.
Outlook.Exe Appver: 11.0.5510.0 Appstamp: 3f1380f0
Module Name: Outllib.Dll Mod. Ver: 11.0.5608.0
Mod Stamp: 3f35d24e
fDebug: 0 Offest: 0000b746
Have all service packs installed for XP & OL2003. Is
there a website that I can visit to analyze this error
Thanks in advance!