John Ritterbush
I'm trying to find a way to search my Outlook 2003 Inbox for all items
flagged complete AND with a completed on date in the last 7 days. Within each
individual message that is flagged complete is the gray bar at the top which
says "Follow-up [linebreak]Completed on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 4:15PM."
(or whatever the date and time was that I completed it). However if I add the
"Date Completed" field to my Inbox overall overall the date completed is
listed as "None." in most cases, but there are a few that have an actual date
in them. What am I doing wrong? I'm not sure how to explain this in more
detail, but I'll start with this. Please ask for more info and I'll gladly
supply. I want to be able to create a search folder that tells my all my
completed tasks over the past week. I can then use that to track my project
lists for my supervisor.
flagged complete AND with a completed on date in the last 7 days. Within each
individual message that is flagged complete is the gray bar at the top which
says "Follow-up [linebreak]Completed on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 4:15PM."
(or whatever the date and time was that I completed it). However if I add the
"Date Completed" field to my Inbox overall overall the date completed is
listed as "None." in most cases, but there are a few that have an actual date
in them. What am I doing wrong? I'm not sure how to explain this in more
detail, but I'll start with this. Please ask for more info and I'll gladly
supply. I want to be able to create a search folder that tells my all my
completed tasks over the past week. I can then use that to track my project
lists for my supervisor.