Outlook 2003 - Font size in reading pane



I have just upgraded to a high-res monitor - which is good.... but with the
higher resolution my inbox-messages (and all other mail boxes) are hard to

How do I increase the font size?

(I have already set fonts to "Extra Large" in Windows - but that does not
affect the mail boxes)

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

in the reading pane? go to tools, options, mail format - fonts.

un the message list: its controlled by windows settings, which you
apparently know how to adjust.


I probably mis-used the term "reading pane" - I mean the window where I can
see the list of all my mails in e.g. the inbox. This view is to the right of
my folder-tree.

How do I set the font size on the listing of my mails?

Brian Tillman

RSunday said:
I probably mis-used the term "reading pane" - I mean the window where
I can see the list of all my mails in e.g. the inbox. This view is to
the right of my folder-tree.

How do I set the font size on the listing of my mails?

Just below (or above, depending on how you sort your message list) the most
recent message, there should be an empty area. Right-click on that and
choose "Other Settings". The row and column font settings are the ones you
need to adjust. You can also get at this with View>Arrange By>Current
View>Customize Current View>Other Settings. If you want to change _all_
mail folders at one time, start Outlook once with the /cleanviews command
switch, then click View>Arrange By>Current View>Define Views. Select the
Messages view and click Modify, then Other Settings. Change the row and
column fonts there. When you finish the edit and OK out, the changes should
apply to all folders using the Messages view (and that's, by default, all
mail folders except for Sent Items).

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