Outlook 2003 ImportPRF reg key doesnt work for new users



First, sorry for my bad english...try to understand.

I have installed Outlook 2003 with .MST package created with CIW.
Now i try to set import PRF reg key to new user when they log into
workstation first-time.

Problem is that HKEY_CURRENT_USER\...\Office\11 -string is created AFTER
user have starts outlook. I want the importPRF key be ready before user
starts outlook.

Creating registry key before starting outlook first time doesnt help.
PRF file should be ok, because it works if i run Outlook.exe / importPRF or
simply doubleclick prf file.

Any idea how set ImportPRF key before outlook starts first time ?

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

If you included Outlook profile settings in the CIW .mst distribution, the ImportPRF key should already be present after the user starts Windows. Are you saying that this is not happening in your environment? What's the WIndows version?

Regardless, perhaps you could use a login script to deploy the ImportPRF key?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


Hi Sue! Thanks for your reply.

Windows XP SP2

I am deploing registry key for new users at first login to windows, but
outlook does not still import prf file when i start outlook.

If i start outlook as a new user, cancel first-use wizard, and add ImportPRF
reg key, and then start outlook second time, it works.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Are you also removing the FirstRun and First-Run registry values?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


Yes. I remove First-Run & FirstRun

The procudere that i use is;
1. Deploy .MST for UserA. .MST migrates users email account to outlook2003.
2. As a UserA export HKEY_CURRENT_USER\..\Outlook\Setup reg keys.
3. Modify .reg file ( remove First-Run & FirstRun, add ImportPRF )
4. Log in as UserB
5. import .reg file
6. Start Outlook

I hope this clarify what im doing..or trying to do ;)


ok. Now it works!

Instead of importing just Office\11.0\Outlook\setup branch, you have to
import ( at least in our case ) whole Office\11.0 registry branch.


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