Outlook 2003 maximizes spontaneously and unpredictably



I run XP Pro SP2. When I am viewing a website in IE 6 SP2 or Firefox 1.5,
and especialy frequently if I am filling a form on a website, Outlook 2003
SP2 will spontaneously, unpredictably and repeatedly maximize, preventing me
from viewing a website or filling a webform.

If I minimize it, it often just pops open randomly, but most frequently when
I am typing. Sometimes, it maximizes after every character I type! It even
comes to life to do this after I close Outlook completely! This is extremely

I sometimes have to shut my computer down completely to get it to stop.
Other times, it stops this mischievous behavior spontaneously. I have even
changed computers, and Outlook continues this behavior!

Any suggestions???



No, I didn't figure it out, as best I can remember. However, the problem is
no longer occurring. I have used the MS update feature to update all my
microsoft software, so maybe that is what has solved the problem. Are you
having a similar problem? Try performing all recommended updates.



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