can anyone help? I'm using Outlook 2003 on a desktop running XP home edition.
when user 'A' powers on the computer and opens Outlook, every things fine.
User 'A' then logs off only (doesn't shut down completely). User 'B' then
logs on and opens Outloook and cannot get a connection as the PC still
thinks that User 'A' is logged on. if the computer is rebooted, user 'B' can
then access as normal. to me is looks like either Outlook is not closing down
correctly or XP is not logging off the user correctly. this has only happened
in the last 7-10 days, could it have been a recent auto update? any help
anyone can give would be appreciated.
when user 'A' powers on the computer and opens Outlook, every things fine.
User 'A' then logs off only (doesn't shut down completely). User 'B' then
logs on and opens Outloook and cannot get a connection as the PC still
thinks that User 'A' is logged on. if the computer is rebooted, user 'B' can
then access as normal. to me is looks like either Outlook is not closing down
correctly or XP is not logging off the user correctly. this has only happened
in the last 7-10 days, could it have been a recent auto update? any help
anyone can give would be appreciated.