Outlook 2003 on Windows 2003 : how to connect to Exchange server



We have a procedure for connecting Outlook 2003/Windows XP + Q331320 but it
doesn't work on Windows 2003. (Is there a patch like Q331320 for Windows

Every time we try, Outlook send a message that it can't connect to the
Exchange Server.

Anyone knows how to make this work?

neo [mvp outlook]

The patch in question is only needed in Windows XP SP1 workstations.
Windows XP SP2/Windows 2003 servers don't need it, nor will it install.

As for the issue at hand... Is Microsoft Exchange 2003 install in the server
in question? The reason that I ask is that Microsoft does not support
Exchange 2003 and Outlook 2003 on the same box.



No, Exchange is installed on another server.

Everything works on XP but not on 2k3. Windows 2003 and Office 2003 have
been fully updated.

neo [mvp outlook]

Hmm... Anything special about this Windows 2003 box? (e.g. Terminal Server,

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