Outlook 2003 Restarts every 4 to 10 minutes



We have recently been encountering the following problem in Outlook 2003.
The client restarts every 4 to 10 minutes generating a event log below.

Event ID: 1000; Source: Microsoft Office 11; Type: Error

Faulting application outlook.exe, version 11.0.6353.0, stamp 408f2937,
faulting module emsabp32.dll, version 11.0.6361.0, stamp 40da108e, debug? 0,
fault address 0x000271c1.

Is there a permenent fix to resolve this issue. The current solution or
work arround is to create a new profile. This present a problem when you
have hundreds of clients experiencing this problem.


It's good to see someone else has that problem. I just can't trust Outlook
to be up with a half-written email that isn't saved. I get the same "Event
ID: 1000; Source: Microsoft Office 11; Type: Error" several times a day.

I got so tired of it, I reformatted and installed from zero...which I do at
least once a year...to get rid of the problem. Didn't help a bit. I'm going
to try building a new profile, but that's just what I did a few days ago when
I rebuilt from nothing.


OK, it's happened 3 times this morning....twice in the middle of typing a new
email. So I completely rebuilt my profile and .pst from scratch, then
imported all my data from the old .pst. We'll see.....


There is a hotfix to correct this issue. It must be applied to your exchange
5.5 server. See knowlegebase article 834466. This is not a publicly
available hotfix you must contact microsoft. Hope this helps you.


Thanks Kevin but I'm not on an Exchange server. Just POP3 so I made a new
profile as suggested here. That seems to have worked.. Haven't had the
problem in a week now. Used to be several times a day.

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