outlook 2003 slow / CPU Spiking



Ok, just bought a new computer, all programs work great except Outlook 2003
when I open OL the program runs with about a 5 - 10 second delay durring
every action, when I open the Windows Task manager the CPU looks like a heart
monitor ( a patient in V-Tac) it jumps from 0% to 60 - 70% and then back to 0
- 2% and does this on a regular constant flow, even when I am not doing
My computer - Dell E1405 Lap: 2gig Core2 with 2gig RAM
I have tried;
Detect and Repair
uninstal and Reinstal
Reinstall with a brand new copy of Outlook 2003
disable and uninstall PC-chillin internet secutiry
disable the windows messenger feature
tried to find the outcmd.dat file (did not have one)
my only other option is to Re-boot the entire computer, (would hate to do
this for just one program. )
Any suggestions?


There was a Google Desktop search preloaded on the computer but I uninstalled
that program in the beginning.


I also have a new Dell and experiencing the same issue. I've disable the
Instant Messanger, unchecked the Addins in the Addin Manager. Will try the
Defrag. Definately need some tech assistance on this... It's very

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