Anyone else noticed a slowdown recently when opening the first html
formatted message in Outlook 2003? It might have occurred during the recent
MS updates, or it might be where I upgraded to IE7. That all happened about
the same time. On my Pentium 800 with .5gb of ram, the message frame
appears in about 20 seconds and the contents in another 20 seconds. This
seems to only happen on the first e-mail to be opened. The next opens
formatted message in Outlook 2003? It might have occurred during the recent
MS updates, or it might be where I upgraded to IE7. That all happened about
the same time. On my Pentium 800 with .5gb of ram, the message frame
appears in about 20 seconds and the contents in another 20 seconds. This
seems to only happen on the first e-mail to be opened. The next opens