outlook 2003 sp2 on Vista keeps restarting when sending an email



Installed Outlook 2003 on Vista Ultimate and then upgraded to sp2. Whenever
I send an email outlook 2003 reports that it has encounterd a problem and
needs to restart. This will repeat over and over until the message finally
gets sent. Then outlook will be stable for the next few sends and then start
restarting again. I could simply ignore this if it wasn't for the fact the
Outlook keeps coming to the front and taking over my screen.

I have an associate with the same setup having the same issue. Any ideas?

Dell Inspiron 9400 2GB RAM Vista Ultimate.

Roady [MVP]

What exactly is being logged to the Event Viewer?
If you have a virus scanner that integrates with Outlook disable this
integration and try again.


Configuration is STMP over SSL on port 465 (port 25 blocked by ISP remotely)

Norton AV corp 10.2 set to not scan email (it can't scan SSL). I'll shut it
down to rule it out.

Event Viewer shows:
Application Error:
The program OUTLOOK.EXE version 11.0.8118.0 stopped interacting with Windows
and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available,
check the problem history in the Problem Reports and Solutions control panel.
Process ID: 159c Start Time: 01c7a49e12b10e90 Termination Time: 16

Roady [MVP]

Are you using POP3 or IMAP?
The top part of the Event Log with the error codes in it are important too.
Just press the Copy button to copy the entire contents of the event.


Using the copy function I had options for copy table and copy details, both
included below. As far as IMAP or POP3, I use IMAP while the other machine
uses POP3 though from my understanding my machine exhibits the issue more

Error 01/06/2007 5:14:45 PM Application Error 1000 (100)

Log Name: Application
Source: Application Error
Date: 01/06/2007 5:14:45 PM
Event ID: 1000
Task Category: (100)
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: markp-PC
Faulting application OUTLOOK.EXE, version 11.0.8118.0, time stamp
0x456628bf, faulting module unknown, version, time stamp 0x00000000,
exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x00f6d61d, process id 0xe64,
application start time 0x01c7a4a24299a820.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
<Provider Name="Application Error" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2007-06-01T23:14:45.000Z" />
<Security />


Each event in the event log also has a Information level report which I am

Information 01/06/2007 7:48:42 AM Windows Error Reporting 1001 None

Log Name: Application
Source: Windows Error Reporting
Date: 01/06/2007 7:48:42 AM
Event ID: 1001
Task Category: None
Level: Information
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: markp-PC
Fault bucket 440329459, type 1
Event Name: APPCRASH
Response: None
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P2: 11.0.8118.0
P3: 456628bf
P4: unknown
P6: 00000000
P7: c0000005
P8: 00beeed8

Attached files:

These files may be available here:
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
<Provider Name="Windows Error Reporting" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1001</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2007-06-01T13:48:42.000Z" />
<Security />


Roady [MVP]

Sadly these Event IDs are just generic one. What add-ins do you have
installed? If you ahve a virus scanner that integrates with Outlook disable
this integration and try again. If your Dell machine came with
"OutlookAddin" (by Cyberlink) pre-installed uninstall it as it is known to
cause a lot of issues.


I do indeed have this Cyberlink outlookaddin. Did some research and your
right it does seem to cause a lot of problems.

Removed it and will monitor if this resolves my issue.
If not I still appreciate the heads up on it.

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