Seems to load fine then it tries to sync to the exchange server and
hangs for a couple of minutes. After that it comes back to life for a
little bit until it repeats the cycle. The cycles are about 8-10
minutes apart. I checked to make sure the antivirus add-in was
disabled and no google desktop was running. Anyone have any other
ideas? I also did a detect and repair and that didn't seem to help.
This is a fresh install of Vista and outlook 2003, only about 3 days
old. It has been having the issue since day 1.
hangs for a couple of minutes. After that it comes back to life for a
little bit until it repeats the cycle. The cycles are about 8-10
minutes apart. I checked to make sure the antivirus add-in was
disabled and no google desktop was running. Anyone have any other
ideas? I also did a detect and repair and that didn't seem to help.
This is a fresh install of Vista and outlook 2003, only about 3 days
old. It has been having the issue since day 1.