Outlook 2003 - Spam Learning???



Hi. Anybody know if Outlook 2003 Spam filter has the capacity to learn? I
believe it uses Bayesian filtering but its not obvious how it learns. Is it
'pre-taught' so that everyone has the same filtering??

Any have any idea?


Rob Schneider

Read in Outlook's Help the extensive article "About the Junk Email
Filter". It doesn't say anything about Bayesian filtering or "learning".

"The filter is based on the content of the message in general and uses
advanced analysis of the message structure to determine the probability
that it is a junk e-mail message."

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.



The message below was sent to me by Diane Poremsky who I believe is a
reasonable authority on the subject:

No, Outlook 2003's filter doesn't learn. It is based on Bayesian technology
but users can't teach it anything, only white and black list addresses and

Diane Poremsky
(e-mail address removed)
CDOLive LLC - Slipstick.com
The Microsoft Messaging and Collaboration Application Experts
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