Outlook 2003 spelling: Switch language ?


Graphe Neester

I'm using Outlook 2003 English version, and need to do spelling in
Norwegian. In the dialog Options-Spelling, International Dictionaries I only
have available English-French-Spanish, Even though Norwegian is installed on
my PC.

The problem might be connected to the fact that the only 2003-version I use
is Outlook. Still have Word 2002 (XP) where Norwegian spelling goes very

In Outlook 2003, under Options-MailFormat I see a disabled option to make
Word 2003 my mail-editor. It seems impossible to use word XP for that

I guess lots of other people at least in Europe could have been in the same
situation: Maybe company policy require English installation, while most
mails are written in Dutch-German-Danish etc.

Is there any smart way to fix this issue?

Arild/ Norway


Office spell checkers won't work unless the versions are the same. You'll
have to settle for third party help here or upgrade Word.

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