Outlook 2003 Stays running in the systray


Greg Glenn

When I close my outlook 2003 the outlook icon that runs
in the systray will not close. If I try to open outlook
again nothing happens. I have to go into taks manager
and kill the process before I can re open outlook. I an
running XP Pro all patches and Office 03 Pro all pathces.


Greg Glenn

Troy Payne

I'm seeing the same behavior, and there have been several other posts here about it.

You wouldn't happen to be running ActiveSync v3.7.1, would you? I think my problem may only happen when my Dell Axim X5 is connected..

Troy Payn
<[email protected]>

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

If ActiveSynch opened an Outlook 2003 session before Outlook was
opened by the user (if the PDA was in the cradle on Windows startup
for example) then the session will be kept open even if the user shuts
Outlook. That's by design. Either start Outlook before you plug the
PDA into the cradle or remove it to allow the Outlook session to close

Robert Hermann

What if you do not have ActiveSync installed, and it still stays active in
the Systray.. This only happens to me, when I am connecting to a POP3
account. From browsing the group, I am noticing that there are several posts
on this same issue.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

No PDA at all? How about COM addins? Check in Tools, Options, Other
tab, Advanced Options, COM AddIns. Disable all of them and see if that
helps. If it does re-enable them one at a time and see where Outlook
starts hanging. You might also want to disable any inline email
scanning or Outlook integration in Norton or McAfee if you use them
and see if that makes a difference.

Robert Hermann

There are no COM Add-ins, and I disabled Norton Anti-virus Exchange scanning
option, yet outlook still will not completely shut down when opening a
profile of anything other the connecting to an Exchange account. Seems
suspect that it works fine connecting to "Microsoft" Exchange, but fails
when connecting to a POP3 account. Hmmmmm


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

I'd try disabling Norton completely and see if that makes a
difference. One other thing to check is if Norton is intercepting your
POP3 account. See if the server settings for the POP3 account have
been changed to LocalHost. That's a sign that Norton is getting into
the loop.

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