Outlook 2003 Temporary Files


Lester Bennett

I've posted a few messages on this subject in the past but have not received
a solution. Hopefully someone can shed some light on the subject.

As I understand it from my research temporary files are created in the
hidden OLK folder when an html email with embeded graphics is opened or when
an attachment to an email is opened by clicking on the link. When the
attachment is closed and then the email is closed the temporary file should
be deleted. In the case of an html email I guess it is when the email is
closed. If an email is closed while an attachment is still open the link to
the temporary file is lost and it is not deleted when the attachment is

My problem is, my client sends and receives html email with embeded graphics
but no attachments. After a while the graphics are no longer displayed. If I
exit Outlook and go to the OLK folder and delete it's contents then open
Outlook again the graphics are displayed once again but after a week or so
the folder is full and it happens again.

Can anyone suggest what is happening here or is it a bug in Outlook 2003?

Lester Bennett

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