Outlook 2007 and Desktop Search 3.0 Beta



I have installed Outlook 2007 beta (first) and then installed Desktop search
3.0 beta (by following the instruction). Desktop search appeared to index my
mail file (I checked "Tools-->Index status" from Outlook, however when I type
in any text, the desktop search does not find any email matches. It is like
it is not searching email. I have done some of the obvious... I have checked
"Desktop Search Settings" and yes, my mail file is there along with all the

Confused on what to do next... any help apprecaited.


I recall a "Blog" some months ago that indicated that Desktop Search does not
work if you have the Outlook Web Toolbar enabled. This might be your problem??


Good suggestion, but unfortunately I do not have teh Web Toolbar enabled.

Any other ideas?

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