Outlook 2007 and Windows Desktop Search 3.0 installation


Wictor Wilén

I had the problems that meny describes in this group; errors when trying to
search in Outlook 2007, even after installing Windows Desktop Search 3.0
engine beta.
You have to uninstall any previous versions of Windows Desktop Search before
installing the 3.0 beta, otherwise it won't work. I even had to do a system
restore to get myself back on track.
The Desktop Search 3.0 beta installation should have a warning or similar
about this when installing.

Read on how I fixed it at http://www.wictorwilen.se/Post/58.aspx


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Roady [MVP]

---Don't abuse the suggestion feature for this---

People have reported success when upgrading from WDS 2.6.5. Since this
version is quite recent it could be that you try to upgrade from an older
version. No promises but since it's an easy procedure to upgrade to 2.6.5
definitely worth a shot before using system restore!

Uninstalling previous versions first remains the best way to go.

Note 1: using the web interface to search for (mail) items/files could still
lead to a hang or crash of explorer.exe or iexplore.exe even with WDS 2.6.5

Note 2: BETA software and production environments... Make sure you've got
back-ups and always reserve some time for the possibility that you'll have
to rebuild your system (just a friendly reminder).

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

I had the problems that meny describes in this group; errors when trying to
search in Outlook 2007, even after installing Windows Desktop Search 3.0
engine beta.
You have to uninstall any previous versions of Windows Desktop Search before
installing the 3.0 beta, otherwise it won't work. I even had to do a system
restore to get myself back on track.
The Desktop Search 3.0 beta installation should have a warning or similar
about this when installing.

Read on how I fixed it at http://www.wictorwilen.se/Post/58.aspx


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