Outlook 2007 B2TR a brutally slow memory hog



I installed the Office 2007 B2TR, rebooted, and found that Outlook 2007 is
brutally slow, so slow it's unusable. It hammers my hard drive non-stop, and
the UI will lock up for 30-60 seconds at a time. It's also consistently
using ~230Mb of memory, according to Task Manager.

Outlook 2007 beta 2 (without the TR) had same-or-better performance as
Outlook 2003, and typically used ~120Mb of RAM.

I read that B2TR = RC1, if that's correct - stop the presses, don't ship it!
Figure out what went wrong between B2 and B2TR on perf and working set, and
fix it.


Roady [MVP]

"I read that B2TR = RC1"

That's is wrong.

What add-ins do you have installed? How is your performance in Outlook Safe
Mode? Also note that BETA products are not representative for memory use
because for instance of added debug code.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

I installed the Office 2007 B2TR, rebooted, and found that Outlook 2007 is
brutally slow, so slow it's unusable. It hammers my hard drive non-stop,
the UI will lock up for 30-60 seconds at a time. It's also consistently
using ~230Mb of memory, according to Task Manager.

Outlook 2007 beta 2 (without the TR) had same-or-better performance as
Outlook 2003, and typically used ~120Mb of RAM.

I read that B2TR = RC1, if that's correct - stop the presses, don't ship it!
Figure out what went wrong between B2 and B2TR on perf and working set, and
fix it.


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

What version of Windows Desktop Search are you using? If not version 3 Beta, download and install it to see if performance improves.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, PeterPla asked:

| I installed the Office 2007 B2TR, rebooted, and found that Outlook
| 2007 is brutally slow, so slow it's unusable. It hammers my hard
| drive non-stop, and the UI will lock up for 30-60 seconds at a time.
| It's also consistently using ~230Mb of memory, according to Task
| Manager.
| Outlook 2007 beta 2 (without the TR) had same-or-better performance as
| Outlook 2003, and typically used ~120Mb of RAM.
| I read that B2TR = RC1, if that's correct - stop the presses, don't
| ship it! Figure out what went wrong between B2 and B2TR on perf and
| working set, and fix it.
| --Peter

Patrick Schmid

Did you let it sit overnight? It could be rebuilding the search index.
Did you already reboot your computer?
Do you still have the performance issues after you tried both things
above and open Outlook via Start, Run, "outlook /safe"?



Milly Staples said:
What version of Windows Desktop Search are you using? If not version 3 Beta, download and install it to see if performance improves.

I had WDS 3.0 beta 2 installed with Office 2007 Beta 2, and installed B2TR
on top of that.

But I hadn't tried Inbox Search, after installing B2TR; sure enough, it says
"Search results may be incomplete because items are still being indexed."
Time for a cup of coffee (or 3).


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