Outlook 2007 (beta 2) - Stuck in Outbox



I've downloaded and installed Outlook 2007 beta 2 and so far it looks great,
except for the fact that I can't seem to send any email. All emails I create
end up sitting in the Outbox and no amount of clicking on "Send" gets them to
go anywhere. Outlook is connected to an Exchange 2003 server.

I've tried firstly deleting the OST, then deleting the mail profile and
recreating but so far nothing has helped.

Thanks in advance,

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

any errors?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Need Help with Common Tasks? http://www.outlook-tips.net/beginner/

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that would be great, but sadly no. Send/Receive just reports "Send/Receive
Complete" and nothing appears to happen. There's nothing in the eventlog
either. I was previously running Outlook 2003 on this machine and under 2003
everything worked as it should.


Diane Poremsky said:
any errors?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Need Help with Common Tasks? http://www.outlook-tips.net/beginner/

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DougM said:
I've downloaded and installed Outlook 2007 beta 2 and so far it looks
except for the fact that I can't seem to send any email. All emails I
end up sitting in the Outbox and no amount of clicking on "Send" gets them
go anywhere. Outlook is connected to an Exchange 2003 server.

I've tried firstly deleting the OST, then deleting the mail profile and
recreating but so far nothing has helped.

Thanks in advance,


Problem solved. I installed Outlook 2007 beta 2 into a virtual "layer" in
Altiris SVS, but I already had Outlook 2003 installed on the workstation.
Deactivating the layer to temporarily remove Outlook 2007, uninstalling
Outlook 2003 then reactivating the layer did the trick. I can send email


DougM said:
that would be great, but sadly no. Send/Receive just reports "Send/Receive
Complete" and nothing appears to happen. There's nothing in the eventlog
either. I was previously running Outlook 2003 on this machine and under 2003
everything worked as it should.


Diane Poremsky said:
any errors?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Need Help with Common Tasks? http://www.outlook-tips.net/beginner/

Subscribe to Exchange Messaging Outlook newsletter:
(e-mail address removed)

DougM said:
I've downloaded and installed Outlook 2007 beta 2 and so far it looks
except for the fact that I can't seem to send any email. All emails I
end up sitting in the Outbox and no amount of clicking on "Send" gets them
go anywhere. Outlook is connected to an Exchange 2003 server.

I've tried firstly deleting the OST, then deleting the mail profile and
recreating but so far nothing has helped.

Thanks in advance,


I am having EXACT same problem! I DO get an error message-
"Task 'pop3.quixnet.net sending reported Error (0x800CCC80). None of thee
authentication methods supported by this client are supported by your server."
Any suggestions on fixing? I also updated from Office 2003.

Thanks in advance for any help!
Diane Poremsky said:
any errors?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Need Help with Common Tasks? http://www.outlook-tips.net/beginner/

Subscribe to Exchange Messaging Outlook newsletter:
(e-mail address removed)

DougM said:
I've downloaded and installed Outlook 2007 beta 2 and so far it looks
except for the fact that I can't seem to send any email. All emails I
end up sitting in the Outbox and no amount of clicking on "Send" gets them
go anywhere. Outlook is connected to an Exchange 2003 server.

I've tried firstly deleting the OST, then deleting the mail profile and
recreating but so far nothing has helped.

Thanks in advance,

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