Outlook 2007 - can't open hyperlinks in email anymore



I have looked thru different discussions and have the same problem. This
happened when I purchased a new laptop w/Office 2007 and using Outlook. The
links are no longer clickable - long strands to copy and paste into IE. Any
explanation on how to change the AVG integration w/email. I am not sure what
you meant but am willing to try and let others know if that works.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

I have looked thru different discussions and have the same problem.

Unless you quote the relevant portion of the message to which you think
you're replying, we can't tell what "same problem" means.
happened when I purchased a new laptop w/Office 2007 and using Outlook.
links are no longer clickable - long strands to copy and paste into IE.
explanation on how to change the AVG integration w/email.

Uninstall AVG completely. Reboot. Reinstall AVG, selecting the Custom
install option. The install will allow you to choose which components you
want installed. Deselect the email scanning component and complete the


Sorry. I am new to posting. My issue is that the links in my incoming
messages no longer allows for me to click on. This just happened when I
bought a new laptop with Office 2007. The email has the long strand to copy
and past into IE now whereas in 2003, the email came thru with links
underlined in blue and could click and take me to the site. Also, some
newsletters are no longer opening up, just a lot of links to click to. This
issue only happens with a few of my incoming emails...not all of them?

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Sorry. I am new to posting. My issue is that the links in my incoming
messages no longer allows for me to click on. This just happened when I
bought a new laptop with Office 2007. The email has the long strand to
and past into IE now whereas in 2003, the email came thru with links
underlined in blue and could click and take me to the site. Also, some
newsletters are no longer opening up, just a lot of links to click to.
issue only happens with a few of my incoming emails...not all of them?

And did you try what I suggesed?


Yes, I actually uninstalled AVG and checked my email. That is not the cause.
I had an email sent to me with the link and checked it on my desktop
(Outlook 2003) and on my laptop (Outlook 2007). The link works on the
desktop but not the laptop. I feel certain it is an Outlook 2007 setting

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Yes, I actually uninstalled AVG and checked my email. That is not the
I had an email sent to me with the link and checked it on my desktop
(Outlook 2003) and on my laptop (Outlook 2007). The link works on the
desktop but not the laptop. I feel certain it is an Outlook 2007 setting

When you hover over a link in Outlook 2007, what does the tooltip say? Does
it reflect the correct URL or does it have, say "BLOCKED" on the front?


The type is not in blue or underlined. It does nothing when I hover the
mouse over it. It looks like it has been changed to plain text (the same
type, font etc. of the rest of the email) and is not clickable at all. In
the same email in Outlook 2003, it is underlined and in blue and can click
directly to the website.


I've noticed something similar to this and sorry I do not have the
root cause answer but at least you can try this to determine if this
is part of the issue:

In Outlook 2003, forward the email but make sure the format is HTML,
not rich text or plain text.

Open the forwarded email in Outlook 2007. In my test the hyperlinks
now worked where the same emails with the plain text ones did not...

So, did something recently change in 2007? or was it always like
that.... I wish I knew... ;-)



The link is very long and when I forward it from my desktop (Outlook 2003) to
Outlook 2007 only part of the link is underlined and in blue so the hyperlink
does not take me where I need to go. However, part of it did come thru and
was clickable this time coming to Outlook 2007.

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