Outlook 2007 changes contents of incoming e-mails



Hello all,

I just found that Outlook 2007 modifies the contents of my incoming e-mails
and I need to completely disable this. How can I do it? The problem is
that I received an e-mail and needed to copy and paste the contents into a
patch program and the patch failed. After research, I found that the
problem was that Outlook 2007 had added an extra line break to a long line
in the e-mail and also added the '+' character as the first character in the
new line. So what should have been a long line ending in "the" turned into
a new line starting with "+the". I suspect the '+' character was added
after the new line because '+' was the first character of the previous long
line, however, I can't complete some of my work if Outlook continues to do
this since '+' is a special character for my patch program. Any ideas how I
can turn this off?



Ok, I think I've found the fix. I went into Tools->Options, clicked E-mail
Options... and unchecked the "Remove extra line breaks in plain text
messages" checkbox. It looks like there is a bug in the "Remove extra line
breaks" feature because it may also insert unwanted characters such as '+'.

There are some alternative approaches that also seem to resolve the problem.

1) If the InfoBar at the top of the e-mail shows "Extra line breaks in this
message were removed", then click on the InfoBar and select "Restore line
breaks" from the context menu.

2) Double-click the message to bring it up in a new window and from the
Message menu go to Actions->Other Actions and uncheck "Unwrap text"

I hope this information helps someone someday.


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