I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this, and can therefor
tell me whether or not it should work properly.
We are migrating from a -very- old NT4/Exchange 5.0 system (back end
with Outlook XP (aka 2002) clients running on Win2000 Pro, to an SBS200
system with Outlook 2007 clients running on WinXP Pro. In the ol
system, we have the Outlook clients set to collect from our external PO
mailboxes, and all of those collected emails are stored (or "delivered"
if you like) in the Exchange mailboxes. This is a one-to-on
relationship (i.e. one user has one Outlook profile, configured with on
POP3 account and one Exchange account/mailbox, where the latter i
designated as the delivery destination). It has worked well.
However, in our testing of Outlook 2007 and Exchange 2003 so far, w
seem to be experiencing some outbound email flow problems when we try t
set up the same type of thing. From what I've researched, it may hav
to do with Outlook wanting to select a different account based on th
specific scenario of each message. For instance, assuming that th
Exchange account is set up as "default" in the Outlook profile, the
*new* message will be delivered using the Exchange account. However
for email coming from the external (i.e. POP) mailbox, it looks lik
Outlook will try to process *replies* to those messages by sending mai
using the POP portion of the profile. Is that right?
If that is the case, is there any way to control this behaviour so tha
*-all-* outbound email is processed through the Exchange accoun
(regardless of new or reply, or whether its origins are internal o
external)? Or, are we just out of luck - i.e. no way t
override/control which account Outlook uses to process a given message?
(Oh, BTW, we would like this to be transparent to the users ... so
telling the users to manually select the Exchange account all the time
on each message, is not really what we're looking for here [smile].)
Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
PS - Soon, you'll see another/separate posting about the POP3 Connecto
for Exchange in SBS 2003 (but I'll put that one in the Exchange forum).
On the one hand, it is somewhat related to this topic - but, only in s
much as it may be considered an alternative to collecting the POP mai
through Outlook. However, I have some concerns about the POP
Connector, and I didn't want to make this topic too broad; I much prefe
to see forums were the topics are focused and separated. I hope that i
I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this, and can therefor
tell me whether or not it should work properly.
We are migrating from a -very- old NT4/Exchange 5.0 system (back end
with Outlook XP (aka 2002) clients running on Win2000 Pro, to an SBS200
system with Outlook 2007 clients running on WinXP Pro. In the ol
system, we have the Outlook clients set to collect from our external PO
mailboxes, and all of those collected emails are stored (or "delivered"
if you like) in the Exchange mailboxes. This is a one-to-on
relationship (i.e. one user has one Outlook profile, configured with on
POP3 account and one Exchange account/mailbox, where the latter i
designated as the delivery destination). It has worked well.
However, in our testing of Outlook 2007 and Exchange 2003 so far, w
seem to be experiencing some outbound email flow problems when we try t
set up the same type of thing. From what I've researched, it may hav
to do with Outlook wanting to select a different account based on th
specific scenario of each message. For instance, assuming that th
Exchange account is set up as "default" in the Outlook profile, the
*new* message will be delivered using the Exchange account. However
for email coming from the external (i.e. POP) mailbox, it looks lik
Outlook will try to process *replies* to those messages by sending mai
using the POP portion of the profile. Is that right?
If that is the case, is there any way to control this behaviour so tha
*-all-* outbound email is processed through the Exchange accoun
(regardless of new or reply, or whether its origins are internal o
external)? Or, are we just out of luck - i.e. no way t
override/control which account Outlook uses to process a given message?
(Oh, BTW, we would like this to be transparent to the users ... so
telling the users to manually select the Exchange account all the time
on each message, is not really what we're looking for here [smile].)
Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
PS - Soon, you'll see another/separate posting about the POP3 Connecto
for Exchange in SBS 2003 (but I'll put that one in the Exchange forum).
On the one hand, it is somewhat related to this topic - but, only in s
much as it may be considered an alternative to collecting the POP mai
through Outlook. However, I have some concerns about the POP
Connector, and I didn't want to make this topic too broad; I much prefe
to see forums were the topics are focused and separated. I hope that i