I'm not quite sure how to interpret this question. Are you asking how to
get Outlook to show you which method it is connecting, how do you configure
Outlook to connect/prefer one connection type over the other, or what is the
difference between connection types?
My brain interpreted your question as the last part of my question of "what
is the difference between the connection types"?
TCP/IP = A remote procedure call (RPC) call to exchange. (basically means
query the rpc end point [port 135] asking where does exchange services live
and then connecting to that dynamic port)
HTTP/S = RPC calls are placed into HTTP/S envelops and sent to the RPC Proxy
that is part of IIS. The RPC Proxy unwraps the RPC call and then performs
the work on behalf of the user. Response from exchange goes back to the RPC
Proxy and it returns the data back to the client in a HTTP/S envelope.