Brian Young, Sr. Server Analyst
I have just installed Beta 2 of 2007 and was working on my weekly report
which I send to my manager. I added the "send" dialog button to the "quick
access bar" so I would have an easy way to send my document as an email
attachment. Outlook 2007 is always open in the background on my desktop.
When I click the drop down menu from the send buttion and choose "email" as
an attachment, Outlook crashes and I get a mapi error of course because
Outlook is no longer available. This error occurs no mater if I use the
button I added or if I choose the option from the "File" menu button with the
office icon on it. If Outlook 2007 is NOT running, I can then choose the
send option and the mail form in Outlook 2007 comes up as expected.. Only
when Outlook 2007 is open before I try does it crash. Thought I'd share But
I am not sure if it is just me.
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which I send to my manager. I added the "send" dialog button to the "quick
access bar" so I would have an easy way to send my document as an email
attachment. Outlook 2007 is always open in the background on my desktop.
When I click the drop down menu from the send buttion and choose "email" as
an attachment, Outlook crashes and I get a mapi error of course because
Outlook is no longer available. This error occurs no mater if I use the
button I added or if I choose the option from the "File" menu button with the
office icon on it. If Outlook 2007 is NOT running, I can then choose the
send option and the mail form in Outlook 2007 comes up as expected.. Only
when Outlook 2007 is open before I try does it crash. Thought I'd share But
I am not sure if it is just me.
This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.