Outlook 2007 - Dumpster.dll disabled



Hi all,

I'm having trouble access the recover deleted items feature in Outlook 2007;
I recieve the following message when I try to access it:

The Add-In "dumpster.dll" cannot be loaded and has been disabled by Outlook.
Please contact the Add-in manufactdurer for an update. If no update is
available, please uninstalled the Add-In.
Cannot load "C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\MSMAPI\1033\dumpster.dll".
You may be out of memory, out of systesm resources, or a missing .dll file.

I have tried using Office diagnostics and repairing office, but i still get
the same error.
The dll does exist, it is version 11.0.6550.0

Any ideas?

Patrick Schmid

What recover deleted items feature are you referring to? The DLL version
indicates that it is an Outlook 2003 DLL. Can you try to rename the file
to something else (while Outlook is closed) and make sure it is disabled
in Tools, Trust Center, Add-Ins?
I don't have this DLL here on my 2007 installation and mine seems to
work fine.

Patrick Schmid


I'm referring to the standard feature that you select from the Tools Menu.
I have tried disabling the Add-In in Outlook and renaming the dll to no avail.
I'll try repairing office now.



I should have given more explanation there. After disabling the add-in and
renaming the dll, I haven't go the option to select Recover Deleted Items.

Patrick Schmid

I educated myself a bit on this feature and I know now why I didn't
recognize it. It is only available with Exchange accounts, and I don't
have one.
When you repair Office via Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Change MS
Office 2007 and then reenable it via add-ins in Outlook, what happens?

Patrick Schmid

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

The correct location for Dumpster.dll for Outlook 2007 is not under \Common
Files\System\MSMAPI\1033 (or whatever is the current language ID code), it's
under C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12.

That's where it is in my Outlook 2007 installations and my Exchange mailbox
accounts work fine with recovering deleted items.

I would probably first check to see if Dumpster.dll is located correctly. It
should have a version 12.0.4017.1006.

If that's correct verify that Dumpster.ECF is located in C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Addins. The contents of the ECF file should
look like this:

Display Name=<DisplayName>
Entry Point=1
Client Version=4.0
Extension Version=1.0
Service Provider=MSEMS
Misc Flags=WarnIfNoDLL;DllFromDarwin

[Exchange Client Compatibility]
Exchange Registry=0
Exchange Extension Key="Deleted Message Recovery"
; Context is Viewer
Exchange Context Map=01000000000000
; Interfaces are Commands, UserEvents
Exchange Interface Map=1100000

Outlook Commands=RecoverDeleted
Extension Outlook Commands=50001

DMR=50001;@11025;Tools Suppress

DisplayName=Deleted Item Recovery
Description=Allows recovery of previously deleted items
; STR 11025 - DMRText=Re&cover Deleted Items...


I noticed that Office 2003 was still installed, so I uninstalled it and
repaired the Office 2007 installation.
This resolved the issue.

Thanks for your help.


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