Ellett IT
Does anyone know if there's a way to set the default message format for
Outlook 2007? I've been searching my GPO with this template applied and the
closest I've gotten to this setting is Admin Templates\Outlook 2007\Tools -
Options\mail format\internet formatting\message format. I have this set to
HTML however whenever I'm logged in as a user the default message format is
plain text, I can change it however the setting doesn't stick. In the Outlook
2003 adm template the setting was \Outlook 2003\Tools - Options\Mail
Format\Message Format\Message format - editor and you could set it to for
example HTML\Outlook or Rich Text \Microsoft Word. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Outlook 2007? I've been searching my GPO with this template applied and the
closest I've gotten to this setting is Admin Templates\Outlook 2007\Tools -
Options\mail format\internet formatting\message format. I have this set to
HTML however whenever I'm logged in as a user the default message format is
plain text, I can change it however the setting doesn't stick. In the Outlook
2003 adm template the setting was \Outlook 2003\Tools - Options\Mail
Format\Message Format\Message format - editor and you could set it to for
example HTML\Outlook or Rich Text \Microsoft Word. Any thoughts? Thanks!