Outlook 2007 importing emails



I have exported my MS Outlook 2007 emails into an excel spreadsheet and when
i go to import them it does not import the to and from details - only the
email content.

How can this be resolved - anyone?

Roady [MVP]

It depends on which fields you have exported and which fields are still
available when importing.
Just curious; what are you trying to achieve by this?


i have exported all the details.

From the spreadsheet in which i have it has all the info from to/from/bcc(if
applicable)/body/subject etc

Yet when i select the file to import it it only imports the body but not the
to and from details.

Ive left my current employer and am wanting to have a copy of my work emails
to take to my new perspective employer.


Ross said:
i have exported all the details.

From the spreadsheet in which i have it has all the info from
applicable)/body/subject etc

Yet when i select the file to import it it only imports the body but not
to and from details.

Ive left my current employer and am wanting to have a copy of my work
to take to my new perspective employer.

Firstly did you get the permission of your old employer to take what /may/
be confidential business information with you?
Secondly WHY on earth did you export to Excel? Either just make a copy of
the pst file or, if using Exchange Server, export to a pst file.

Roady [MVP]

In addition to what Gordon said;

If you still have all the information in Excel, then you must map the fields
when using the import procedure. There is a Map Custom Fields... button for
that when using the Import function.

If you still have access to the original mailbox; start over correctly by
following the instructions here;

John Mayson

Ive left my current employer and am wanting to have a copy of my work emails
to take to my new perspective employer.

I won't question you previous employer's policies on intellectual
property. Couldn't you just put the .pst file on your next computer?


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