When I try to print an email the header is situated normally and prints as
expected but the message text has firstly, moved up over the header and
superimposed itself on the subject line; secondly moved the left margin about
a third of the way across the page meaning words 'drop off' the right margin
and are lost and thirdly the font in the message text is tiny. I have tried
File>Print>define Styles>reset but the problem still persists. Any help
gratefully received.
expected but the message text has firstly, moved up over the header and
superimposed itself on the subject line; secondly moved the left margin about
a third of the way across the page meaning words 'drop off' the right margin
and are lost and thirdly the font in the message text is tiny. I have tried
File>Print>define Styles>reset but the problem still persists. Any help
gratefully received.