Then you may want to use the .pst crop tool to reduce the size of your .pst
file to one where you can manage folders and deletions.
You can find it here; Try 100 MB at a time
until you can work with your .pst file.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:
After furious head scratching, Ray asked:
| I'm sure you are right. I exported from the old one and imported
| back into this one.
| But in this loop, I cannot do anything for recover. shift-delete
| does not function, MOVE (into large folder) does not function.
| Cannot export folders for subsequent recovery. Only solution I can
| work on right now is draging folder by folder into the large one.
| Hundreds of folders! But even after the drag creates a copy, I
| cannot delete the old one.
|| Outlook 2003 & above has no such size limit, when using the pst
|| created in the default format used by both these versions.
|| Presumably you are still using a pst created in an earlier version of
|| outlook
|| ||| Several times I have exceeded the 2 GB limit for Personal Folder.
||| Each time
||| I have shift-delete enough to recover, then tried to archive older
||| material.
||| Now, when I do the shift-delete the original message about being
||| out of space
||| recurs, meaning I have no recourse to reduce the space. It is 9KB
||| over the
||| limit.
||| Any suggestions?
||| --
||| Ray
|| .