Outlook 2007 resource hog


Scott Micale

Is it just me or is Outlook 2007 a major resource hog? I have 2 GB of RAM
in my PC and since upgrading from Office 2003 to Office 2007 my system seems
to run extremely slow when I am running Office 2007 applications and mainly
it is Outlook 2007. Is anyone else noticing this?


Ada Pan [MSFT]

Hello Scott,

According to the message, I understand that Outlook 2007 is extremely slow
on one computer with 2gb ram.

Please understand that the performance issue is somewhat complicated.
Please understand that performance issues are hard to trouble shoot. I
would suggest that you contact CSS Advisory Services for assistance with
this kind of issues in a more efficient manner. Since the issue may be
related to hardware, network and etc, CSS may help to dump the data. This
will certainly help to find the root cause quickly.

CSS is a remotely delivered, hourly fee-based, consultative support option
that provides proactive support beyond your break-fix product maintenance
needs like product migration, code review, or new program development. For
more info in the US and Canada:


Outside of the US/Canada:


Here, I would offer you some general information to trouble shoot the issue:

1. I am not sure how slow Outlook 2007 is. Generally speaking, Outlook 2007
will consume much hardware resource than Outlook 2003. Outlook 2007 uses
new architecture. The UI effects and all other features may use more
resource. So with the same hardware and configuration, Outlook 2007 will be
slower than Outlook 2003.

2. At this time, we can check whether the issue still occurs in the
following tests:

Step 1: Test in Outlook Safe Mode
Outlook Safe Mode can narrow down issues which are caused by any
extensions, corrupted resources, files, registries, or templates.

1. Click Start | Run.
2. In the Open box, type: "Outlook /safe" (without the quotation marks)
Notes: There is a space character between Outlook and the forward slash (/).
3. Click OK.

Step 2: Create a new profile
I suggest that we create a new Outlook profile. A new profile is a new
environment for us to use Outlook. To create a new profile is only for a
test to see if the problem is related to the corrupt profile of Outlook.

Step 3: Windows Safe Mode with Networking
Please also boot to Safe Mode with Networking to isolate the issue with 3rd
party applications. Please refer to the following article for more
information with winXP machines.

315222 A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP

Hope this helps. Thank you for your understanding!


Ada Pan

Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
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Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Perhaps it's also worth noting that retail copies of Office 2007 come with unlimited free 90-day support. I'd start with an incident through that channel before going for a paid incident.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

"Ada Pan [MSFT]" said:
Hello Scott,

According to the message, I understand that Outlook 2007 is extremely slow
on one computer with 2gb ram.

Please understand that the performance issue is somewhat complicated.
Please understand that performance issues are hard to trouble shoot. I
would suggest that you contact CSS Advisory Services for assistance with
this kind of issues in a more efficient manner. Since the issue may be
related to hardware, network and etc, CSS may help to dump the data. This
will certainly help to find the root cause quickly.

CSS is a remotely delivered, hourly fee-based, consultative support option
that provides proactive support beyond your break-fix product maintenance
needs like product migration, code review, or new program development. For
more info in the US and Canada:


Outside of the US/Canada:


Here, I would offer you some general information to trouble shoot the issue:

1. I am not sure how slow Outlook 2007 is. Generally speaking, Outlook 2007
will consume much hardware resource than Outlook 2003. Outlook 2007 uses
new architecture. The UI effects and all other features may use more
resource. So with the same hardware and configuration, Outlook 2007 will be
slower than Outlook 2003.

2. At this time, we can check whether the issue still occurs in the
following tests:

Step 1: Test in Outlook Safe Mode
Outlook Safe Mode can narrow down issues which are caused by any
extensions, corrupted resources, files, registries, or templates.

1. Click Start | Run.
2. In the Open box, type: "Outlook /safe" (without the quotation marks)
Notes: There is a space character between Outlook and the forward slash (/).
3. Click OK.

Step 2: Create a new profile
I suggest that we create a new Outlook profile. A new profile is a new
environment for us to use Outlook. To create a new profile is only for a
test to see if the problem is related to the corrupt profile of Outlook.

Step 3: Windows Safe Mode with Networking
Please also boot to Safe Mode with Networking to isolate the issue with 3rd
party applications. Please refer to the following article for more
information with winXP machines.

315222 A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP

Hope this helps. Thank you for your understanding!


Ada Pan

Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


Loads of people are complaining about Outlook 2007 being a dog!

See http://www.itwriting.com/blog/?p=54 for more information on some
"fixes", no make that workarounds. I've spoke with loads of people who've
recently installed it when it arrived in the MS Action Pack and many of them
are complaining of performance and hanging issues.

There are definitely problems with Outlook 2007 so don't waste your time and
money contacting MS through their paid services route. Why should you pay to
help MS debug their buggy software?

Hope that helps.


Roundtrip Solutions

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