Outlook 2007 syncronizing folders


Michael Hattey

I have just changed over to Outlook 2007 and all was working fine for the
last few days.
Now when I click send and receive, the download take forever and I've
noticed an extra icon appear in the task bar on the right hand side saying
that Outlook is syncronizing folders.
Why is it doing this and how can I prevent it so that I can download my
e-mails normally?
Thanks for your help!

Brian Tillman

Michael Hattey said:
I have just changed over to Outlook 2007 and all was working fine for
the last few days.
Now when I click send and receive, the download take forever and I've
noticed an extra icon appear in the task bar on the right hand side
saying that Outlook is syncronizing folders.
Why is it doing this and how can I prevent it so that I can download
my e-mails normally?

Make sure you don't have any antivirus programs scanning your incoming mail.

Michael Hattey

Hello Brian,

It seems that the problem has just rectified itself and it was due to a
problem with the mailserver at our ISP. For some reason the problem allowed
messages to download but only at an extremely slow rate.

Anyway thanks for your suggestion but wouldn't it be a little dangerous to
download e-mails without any anti-virus scanning?

Kind regards,

Brian Tillman

Michael Hattey said:
Anyway thanks for your suggestion but wouldn't it be a little
dangerous to download e-mails without any anti-virus scanning?

No danger in it at all. You still run the on-access (real-time or resident)
scanner and never open an attachment you weren't expecting and have verified
is the correct one. moreover, when you were expecting it and it seems to be
the correct one, you save it do disk first before opening it.

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