Outlook 2007 Taskbar Icon Showing Constant Conntivity State


Dean Lautermilch

the Outlook taskbar icon on my machine and another one in my company
constatnly shows the icon for connectivity -- that is the two envelopes.
there are not any problems but I was wondering if it is trying to tell me
something and if I can fix a problem to change it back to normal.

Roady [MVP]

If you hover with your mouse on it, does it change back to a normal Outlook
This is a known issue caused by a recent update. There is no real issue
actually, it's just an icon representation.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

The synchronizing icons? Here it seems to get stuck on RSS feeds. Have you
tried restarting outlook?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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Lee Willmann

I am having this issue as well on both of my machines, at work and home.

It's more annoyance than anything at the moment.

Hopefully it's fixed before too terribly long.

Roady [MVP]

In general it is the aim to fix issues caused by another fix in the next

It doesn't hurt to actually report these issues via Microsoft Product
Support as well to make sure they are aware of it and can determine the

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